
2023澳洲幸运5开奖查询-澳洲幸运5历史记录结果体彩 Delivers Treatment Direct To Bone Marrow Cancer

Israeli researchers have devised a new way of treating cancerous cells in bone marrow – for the first time taking the therapy directly to the cancer inside the soft, fatty tissue contained within our bones.  This revolutionary method involves surrounding RNA, a molecule containing instructions for cellular behavior, with targeted lipid nanoparticles that send the […]

AI Avatars Help Autistic People Hone Social Skills On Demand

Autistic individuals will soon be able to practice and improve their social skills through realistic conversations with avatars powered by generative AI technology. Autism is a developmental disorder that affects how people interact and communicate, often hindering diagnosed individuals in social situations. In many cases, autistic individuals struggle to initiate conversations, respond to the initiations […]

Pool Monitor Watches The Water To Keep Kids From Drowning

It is every parent’s nightmare – sudden silence poolside, when just seconds earlier there were happy splashing and laughing voices.  That terrible scenario happened to PoolScout founder Sam Weitzman, whose young son nearly drowned in a pool in Tel Aviv in 2017. It was an incident that inspired him to create the AI safety device […]

Hands-Free Underwater Jetpack Gives Divers And Surfers A Boost

A startup in Israel is launching what it describes as the world’s first completely hands-free underwater “smart scooter.” KikFin has produced a jetpack with fins that straps onto a swimmer’s back and propels them though the water faster than Olympic champion Michael Phelps. It also attaches to surfboards, helping beginners as they learn to catch […]

Hot In The City? Startup Using Plants To Cool Urban Areas

An Israeli startup is countering the effects of rising urban temperatures by making cities greener, with smart infrastructure that helps create green walls, roofs and pergolas to bring down the heat. Growing urbanization has led to phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect. This is when temperatures in a city increase relative to outlying […]
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